Monday, June 17, 2013

Second Chances

is love really sweeter the second time around? could be. who knows?

i'm not quite sure. but being friends the second time around could really be sweeter.

you see, i have nothing against exes, ex-bfs to be exact. but some of them might have driven you away, really far away that you have to burn "bridges." know what i mean?

but this one's exceptional. i don't really mind putting the past behind if only to save the friendship, and start a beautiful relationship out of the failed one. maybe we are not meant to be in a romantic relationship and a platonic one is better.

recently, i have rekindled that friendship with fei. yep. the last one i had recently said goodbye to. and it was sweet. i mean, in a friendly way.

don't hate me though. both of us know we have broken up just last year. but heck. before that, we were friends. and it feels good being friends again. it really feels good talking to that friend you used to talk to in the middle of the night back when insomnia abounds. it really feels good talking to a lost friend again.

i know nothing about second chances. but i believe in seizing the moment before it's gone. what i know is letting someone stay if life allows it, and unlatching the door so the person you have shut out of your life could reenter and prove himself once more. and maybe, this time, both of you can make a difference.