Wednesday, February 03, 2010

a wo-man without fear is a wo-man without hope

so, anyone who fears nothing? course, nobody does. all of us do fear something. even little things have that effect on us. and you wanna know my fear?

well, i fear a lot of things. but what i fear the most has something to do with accomplishments. i fear not accomplishing something for myself at all. something i can be proud of or something i can call my own. like for example a book i have written, published and have others read in the dead of night. or designing a living room that pleases the client. something like that.

and right now, though i consider 3 milestones last year, i have not accomplished anything yet. i'm talking about interior design. you see. a lot of things are stalling me. there is time constraint. there is the issue of changes, i mean i don't wanna blame some people but partly, it's some people's fault. don't wanna name names here, but i just want to mention that had i been in my major subject this sem, i could have been in my second to the last semester now before thesis writing starts.

i can't help it. i seem to be wasting time. so i have decided to just shift to a nonthesis in my MBA program 'cause i've been staying longer in the grad school anyway. i might as well take that opportunity to study more subjects. but you know what compromise i had to make about this? i won't be getting back to interior design school soon. since i opted to shift to a non thesis track, i still have 3 years more to stay in the grad school. and that only means longer time of waiting before i could go back to PSID.

i don't wanna lose sight of my dream though. i still see myself putting up either a furniture shop of my own or an interior design company of my own.

okay. fine. i'm rambling. and forgive me, but i can't help. just a little frustrated i guess. and so there. i had taken it all out to my blog again for everybody to read. had to go to sleep. night everybody. till next time. 

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