Wednesday, March 18, 2009

final plates and enrollment

a week more to go before term ends this month. and though i did well in my final plates in both subjects in interior design, i feel a little sad. i won't be able to take the second term this summer. simply for the reason that classes available don't fit my schedule.

i was disheartened to know i'm gonna miss one term. i was hoping i could have both subjects on a Friday; freehand drawing in the morning and color theory in the afternoon. but when my fave designer told me there wouldn't be classes in the afternoon, my knees buckled at once. well, that is an exaggeration, but really, i'm kinda worried.

missing one term means not graduating on time. i had a rough calculation i'm gonna be a candidate by 2012. this comes really unexpected. nevertheless, i'd wait till the last day of enrollment. and i'd pray from now on till that day students will enroll in drove so classes will be opened for the afternoon sched to accommodate more students. *sigh*
the photos on top were some of the first basic drafts i did in my mechdraw class. i'd be uploading the final plates after the finals next week. =)

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