so, what's giving you "life" these days?
is it your job? your career? your travels, your fashion shows, parties, your ambition? is it school stuff? lovelife? family life? or you're just buried with your books in the basement of your house? is it backpacking? babysitting? family bonding? movies? music? your kids?
but really, what does?
well, for most people my age, life to them is all about career. but i don't have that to brag about. at this point, i don't have a career to talk about. what i have right now is a job, not a career. but i don't hate it though, 'cause what's really keeping me busy right now is school stuff. it is something that makes me feel alive. i mean, a career in the making is in sight. and that is enough.
people actually get awed by others who seem to have been trotting around the world. i had to admit. i feel a twinge of envy sometimes.
but hey, life is not all about travel. it isn't like in the movies where all get lucky in life and they go on travelling all around the world. in reality, only a few of us do get lucky to have jobs that involve travelling, all-expense paid.
and so i ask myself these days: am i happy getting "life" with school stuff? and the answer is "definitely!"
i sure do enjoy school right now. I mean MBA and ID aren't all "wine and dine" kind of stuff but these two make me alive. i feel like i got a purpose here on earth and not just slave away in my job like an automaton.
so, life is really what you make it. if you are not happy with your "life" then do something about it. just get a life. another kind of life. :)